Sunday, January 13, 2019

Adoration or obsession.

As per Merriam Webster:
Adore means: to feel or show great affection and devotion. 
Obsession means: a persistent disturbing preoccupation with an often unreasonable idea or feeling. 
So there’s a fine line between adoration and obsession. One doesn’t realize when adoration turns to a full time obsession. 
I personally feel that when one is obsessed with something or someone, it’s out of their control. One doesn’t start feeling this strongly over night or knowingly. It happens without one’s realization and it hits hard. 

Adoration on the other hand is when you feel strongly about someone but there’s a certain amount of respect and reverence associated with that feeling. 

When does this adoration turn to obsession?
If math were to come into this situation, this is what it would look like. 
Adoration - Respect = Obsession. 
When the person thinks that the object of their adoration is theirs and only theirs that’s when it turns to obsession. But one forgets that nothing or no one is for theirs to keep. We all came empty handed and we will leave similarly too. How easy is it to forget this one simple fact of life? My answer is, it’s very easy. 

Often being so wound up in life’s mumbo jumbo, we forget what we came with and what we will take back. Which is nothing. But we do leave behind a legacy. A legacy that one’s people will remember for some time to come. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Back again

After a long hiatus away from the Blogosphere, I’ve finally decided to give it a go again.
My head usually swims with a gazillion ideas and thoughts. It’s like it never shuts off. I’m so thankful to my dedicated set of girlfriends who very patiently listen to my every little rant and rambling. Now what they do after that is something that I’m completely unaware of. I’m secretly hoping they don’t shut me out completely. Now that would be hilarious.
Imagine me trying to talk as always and they say, shuddduupppp! And I make a puppy face and they go fine get on with it. Then I start over.
Yeah point being that ain’t gonna ever happen. I’ll always talk and they don’t have a choice. And I’d like to believe they know it. We like to keep the expectations clear, this group!
So anyhooooodles, since I’ve decided to not torture my girlfriends as much with my yakety yak I’ll be blogging a lot more than before. Which means now I will be asking if they read this new post a million times!
Good times! Adios for now and keep coming back for more.
The heart is at an uncertain unrest.
Is it me or is it my emotions wrecking havoc in my mind?
I feel a turmoil in my head.
I feel a storm brewing, a wild nasty storm.
I need an outlet.
I am on an emotional roller-coaster.
I am a disaster waiting to happen.
I need some peace time, some me time.
I need to sort out my agitated head.
I need to make truce with myself.
I need to find peace within myself.
I am driving myself insane.
I hope I don't give up.
I love my life, I want to live my life.
All these emotions are not helping me.
I dont want to be the carrier of all these sentiments.
I want me back.
I cannot live being this immature person I'm not familiar with.
I don't know who she is and I do not want to entertain her any further.
I am not me.
I am being someone I don't know, someone I loathe.
I will not let that someone rule me and my life.
This is my life and I want my life back.
I want my peace back.
I want my personality back.
I want me back to the way I was.
I've changed and not for the good.
I've become a hotheaded and snotty person.
I know that is not me. 
I detest that snobbish girl staring at me  from the mirror every morning.
I've become a bitch.
I will change myself, for the better.
I will redeem myself, for everyone around me.
I will bring my old self back, for my family.
I will be me, so when I die, I will be missed.
I am me.