Showing posts with label issues. Show all posts
Showing posts with label issues. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I like being me

Annie, is totally annoyed with a few individuals..............the reason you ask eh?
Let's take this are having a decent, general conversation with a few people and then the talk ends, everyone parts ways but the remnants of the topic at hand still exist somewhere and one person decides to ask you a few more questions (hoping to prolong the talk, probably), eventually your nationality and "oh that's not how it's done in your country?" question pops up. Helllo? did I even mention anything about the country I am from? Or did I ever mention what way what is done? we were just having a normal conversation for Chrissakes. Can't I have even one conversation where I am not being veered towards the nationality direction? But, what's of notice here, the person who got me annoyed on such a beautiful day is himself not a citizen of this country where he where does that leave him? I never talk to people based on which country or religion they belong to...............heck we are all the same, born geographically in different places, but hello, now we share the same land. So can't we just talk about the common stuff? 
Ugh, so irritated, I can't tell you. I don't know why am I doing this on my blog, this space is for me, not for some idiot's reactions. What irritates me most is, the fact that these people act like they are the 'know it all' kind of people, when the fact is, they no nothing, they are filled of s**t. Like they say, "Aadha sach, jhoot se bhi zyaada khatarnaak hain" translation -> "Half knowledge is more dangerous than lies". Apt for today's episode.

Dear Blog,
Please don't mind that you are the recipient of my reactions today. I had to get it out and I wanted to make it known, and the best way is through you. Please bear with me.
Your faithful blogger,

And to think, my horoscope for today says:
You need self-discipline today -- and you've got plenty! You may just need to keep your big mouth shut as the folks around you make fools of themselves or you may need to avoid a mighty temptation. 

Yes, I think I did follow that, although it wasn't intentional, nevertheless, I did keep my mouth shut and let the others look foolish! Yup, something to be happy about atleast!
I want to give that person a good shout and a content lecture, God, please don't let me do it! I wish for that person to be gone for the rest of the day! poof

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The one flaw in women

Before I get started on the topic at hand, let me brief you on my time crunches....I had to take a moment today, just so that I can reach out to you people. I've been so immersed in work and at home, that I couldn't get to blog the last few days, so my due apologies. Although, I'm beginning to think that maybe I better stop apologising else, "SORRY" might soon become a word in my vocab, that doesn't really mean what it should've. I believe that when you talk, do it with a passion, so much so that your listener is totally enchanted, I don't know how much of that I actually implement.

FYI - The person who sent me this email, no offense to you, I'm just putting forward something that has been on my mind for a very long time now, and this email from you has made it a lot easier to launch my view. So, I plead you.....if you are reading this, don't take offense, it has nothing to do with you! that I got that done, let's get to the point.

Going back to the issue, for starters, I got an email this morning, which made me go hmmmm......
This email is meant to remind us women what we are made of etc etc...BS..........I was like, "o Yeah, tell that to those hooligans calling themselves the 'Moral Police' , aka Shri Ram Sene". This is just irony at its best, I believe. I wish I had that Muthalik guy's email(wonder if he is allowed to use modern technology!!), I would surely forward it to him. My guess, he would hunt down all those people who have been forwarding this email and then think of someway to abuse them....imagine him doing that! ROFL!
Anyhoodle, I'll state my point of view first and then I'll showcase the contents of the email to you.
My first reaction on reading it was WTF? which world are we living in? Did someone hit a rewind button or something? I for one, am not that kind of a woman, I am a woman of today, I know what I want and I don't believe in slaving it out. I believe in equality of labor, love, and life, who says a woman is meant for just the assigned stuff, ofcourse we do that and a lot more too. But, if I'm angry, then the person (well, usually it's my hubs), sees the worst of me, when I'm sad, and happy like wise too.....but I'm not who will smile when I'm clearly so upset. I'm sure a lot of women I know are like me too, ofcourse there are still some girls, who are yet to come out of their cocoon, but in my gen, the word is, woman means power and equality. And I for one, am not willing to let go of it, coz I need to survive in this fast-paced world, just like any one else. So the content ends with the saying, "there is one flaw in women.....and it is they forget their worth". I went ballistic...............WHAT@$&*^^!#@ , haven't I said enough already?
Here, read it for yourself, and please tell me what you think about it. I might be wrong in someways, and I want to hear your opinion. Also, I would like to add, that in this day and age, even guys would agree with equality of men and women, don't you?

The One Flaw In Women 
By the time the Lord  made woman, 
He was into his sixth day of working overtime. 
An angel  appeared and said, 
'Why are you spending so much time on this one?' 
And  the Lord answered, 'Have you seen my spec sheet on her? 
She has to be  completely washable, but not plastic, 
have over 200 movable parts, all  replaceable 
and able to run on diet coke and leftovers, 
have a lap that  can hold four children at one time, 
have a kiss that t can cure anything from  a scraped knee to a broken heart-and she will do everything with only two  hands.' 
The angel was astounded at the requirements. 
'Only two  hands!? No way! 
And that's just on the standard model? 
That's too much  work for one day. 
Wait until tomorrow to finish.' 
'But I won't, '  the Lord protested. 
'I am so close to finishing this creation that is so  close to my own heart. 
She already heals herself when she is sick AND can work 18 hour days.' 
The angel moved closer and touched  the woman. 
'But you have made her so soft, Lord.' 
'She is soft,' the  Lord agreed, 
' but I have also made her tough. 
You have no  idea what she can endure or accomplish.' 
'Will she be able to think? ', asked the angel. 
The Lord replied, 
'Not only will  she be able to think, 
she will be able to reason and  negotiate.' 
The angel then noticed something, 
and reaching  out, touched the woman's cheek. 
'Oops, it looks like you have a leak in this  model. 
I told you that you were trying to put too much into this one.' 
'That's not a leak,' the Lord corrected, 
' that's a  tear!' 
'What's the tear for?' the angel asked. 
The Lord said, 'The  tear is her way of expressing her joy, 
her sorrow, her pain,  her disappointment, her love, 
her loneliness, her grief  and her pride.' 
The angel was impressed. 
'You are a genius, Lord. You  thought of everything! 
Woman is truly amazing.' 
And she is! 
Women have strengths that amaze men. 
They bear hardships and they carry  burdens, 
but they hold happiness, love and joy. 
They smile  when they want to scream. 
They sing when they want to cry. 
They cry when  they are happy 
and laugh when they are nervous. 
They  fight for what they believe in. 
They stand up to injustice. 
They don't take 'no' for an answer 
when they  believe there is a better solution. 
They go without so their  family can have. 
They go to the doctor with a frightened  friend. 
They love unconditionally. 
They cry  when their children excel 
and cheer when their friends get  awards. 
They are happy when they hear about a birth or a  wedding. 
Their hearts break when a friend dies. 
They grieve at the loss of a family member, 
yet they are strong when they think there is no strength left. 
They know that a hug and a kiss can heal a broken heart. 
Women come in all shapes, sizes and colors. 
They'll drive, fly, walk, run or  e-mail you 
to show how much they care about you. 
The  heart of a woman is what makes the world keep turning. 
They  bring joy, hope and love. 
They have compassion and ideals. 
They give moral support to their family and friends. 
Women have vital things to say and everything to give 


PLEASE pass this  along to your friends and relatives 
to remind them just  how amazing they are. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

......and I'm back

...after a really long void....well let's call it the leave of absence shall we?
Hmm, now where do I begin!!! Has it ever happened with any of you that blog, you think of a thousand things to write about when you are not blogging, but when you do sit down to blog, everything evaporates and all you can think of is what were those thoughts again? Eventually you end up writing something totally not thought of or something not even remotely close to what you sooo badly wanted the world to know just a couple of hours back!
Anyhooo.....I was sick for the past couple of months or so, been seeing the doc and been on antibiotics and stuff, yet we couldn't figure out what was going on, finally yesterday I decided enough was enough, I stopped the pills(which I was popping like they were M&M's, and trust me if you know me, you'll know how much I love 'em) and guess what? I am feeling so much better today! As my Mr. says about me, the best medicine is not taking any, I'm side-effected to almost all of them. So good riddance to all those pills and all those weird symptoms and I am ready to welcome my old self back, I've been missing ME! Is that even possible to miss yourself? HMM
Whatevs....but I'm so glad to have a hubs like mine, he bore with me all through this tough time and believe me you, it is no party! Although I do feel bad that I lost about 2 months of precious time with my precious family! I know I can never get it back, but I will try my best to make up for it all!

So finally I would say that after those M'lore attacks/PCC and some other social issues my head was spinning dizzy and seeing so many debates on the television and reading views/opinion of people from various walks of life, one thing I noticed is that, no matter how much noise we create w.r.t. these anti-social elements and injustice to the citizens.......I believe that unless the current administration is completely eliminated, and fresh minds are brought in, there is nothing one can do. We fight, we argue, we hold andolans/morchas, send in innerwear, whatever, doesn't matter, eventually everyone has a life to attend to, and they know it. So, I think, it's just a matter of time when the tables will be turned. But we will keep fighting and hoping for that change. Are any of you with me on this?

Have a good one y'all, and you will be reading a lot more from me henceforth.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I have....

...signed up for Earth Hour 2009 at . Did you?

Thursday, January 29, 2009

I am.....

.............seriously contemplating the end of my blogging session(s). I know I could easily stop blogging totally, but then at the back of my mind, I know that it still exists, and I will have the urge to write. Instead, I am thinking of taking the rather harsh way, of closing Viva la Vida for good.I've been thinking of it for a long time now, but haven't been able to arrive at a decision and then one time, my friend Pop, convinced me not to, so I waited. Now, I think I should, I feel sad to come to this conclusion, but I guess it's time now. I have so many memories and moments associated with this blog, I have a heavy heart.
Please let me know what you think.
Yes, maybe or no?

btw, I am not a drama-queen!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Alright, here are some webclips that show up, what an assortment huh!

Latest Microsoft Blogs - A Guide to Learning ASP.NET MVC Release Candidate 1 - 21 hours ago
101 Cookbooks - Orange Pan-glazed Tempeh - Jan 22
International Herald Tribune - World News, Analysis, and Global Opinions - Iranian responds to Obama overture - 
1 hour ago -- - What's Wrong with the Populist Stimulus Plan - Jan 26
Read items from any RSS or Atom feed right here.  Customize Clips - Beckham likes idea of staying with AC Milan - 5 hours ago. Recently Published/Updated - Anger over Northern Ireland 'reconciliation' - 1 hour ago
The Official Google Blog - A look back at spam in 2008 - Jan 26
Discovery News Top Stories : Discovery Channel - Odd Planet Reaches Searing 1,200 Degrees - 4 hours ago

Enough already? What?? You want more? Oh...get them yourself, lazyhead!

This morning I was thinking if those girls that met with the unfortunate in 
Mangalore....will they ever lead a normal life,
will they ever be able to go to a pub yet again! Such a shame, I feel
 sad to be a part of all that,  makes me wonder is 
India really a secular country as we Indian's pledge?
And who the EFF is this Ram Sena, gosh I think Bhagwaan Ram
 would've never returned from the forest, if this were 
to happen. Kaliyug! Ban such people who do this idiocity in the 
name of religion. Shame Shame!