Thursday, April 2, 2009

I was fooled!

So yesterday was April Fool's day right (hah, as if you didn't know that!) and moi was fooled once, by Gmail(only Google can fool me!! OKok enough boasting)! Yep, I thought the Auto Pilot thingy was for real, I think I was trying to add that feature for almost a half hour, then I forgot about it. But innit weird that new additions were being showcased on the Gmail homepage, when they actually update on the GMail/Google blog? How come I didn't think about it. Anyhoodle, so that was the only one time I got fooled yesterday. 
It's a good thing I didn't twitter about my frustration with Auto Pilot from Gmail, else I would've looked no lesser than a fool............well, if you ask me why am I blogging about it now, wouldn't this also be similar to twittering? It would, but now that it's over and I confessed, for some lame reason its better and funnier. But doing it ignorantly would just be foolish. Yeah, some weirdo logic by me!

Tell me if you were also a victim of an April Fool's Day prank? I want to know.


PoP said...

I wont blame you :)
Since I was expecting from Google, I did not fall for this, but I went to download free PS4 :P I fell for the bait

Annie said...

haha! atleast mine is better! btw, PS4 for free??? yeah right and tomorrow is Doom's Day!
Did Photoshop also put up a free download?