Wednesday, January 9, 2019

The heart is at an uncertain unrest.
Is it me or is it my emotions wrecking havoc in my mind?
I feel a turmoil in my head.
I feel a storm brewing, a wild nasty storm.
I need an outlet.
I am on an emotional roller-coaster.
I am a disaster waiting to happen.
I need some peace time, some me time.
I need to sort out my agitated head.
I need to make truce with myself.
I need to find peace within myself.
I am driving myself insane.
I hope I don't give up.
I love my life, I want to live my life.
All these emotions are not helping me.
I dont want to be the carrier of all these sentiments.
I want me back.
I cannot live being this immature person I'm not familiar with.
I don't know who she is and I do not want to entertain her any further.
I am not me.
I am being someone I don't know, someone I loathe.
I will not let that someone rule me and my life.
This is my life and I want my life back.
I want my peace back.
I want my personality back.
I want me back to the way I was.
I've changed and not for the good.
I've become a hotheaded and snotty person.
I know that is not me. 
I detest that snobbish girl staring at me  from the mirror every morning.
I've become a bitch.
I will change myself, for the better.
I will redeem myself, for everyone around me.
I will bring my old self back, for my family.
I will be me, so when I die, I will be missed.
I am me.

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