Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Fay Fay go away!

It's dark,
it's gloomy,
it's cloudy,
it's windy,
it's drizzling
it's plain terrifying here

We are waiting on 'Fickle Fay' to beat us up but we are all prepared so bring it on! What an unpredictable system this is and the path its taking is just so weird. But then as I always say nature never ceases to amaze me. The anger that a storm/hurricane brings with it is so immense and powerful, no one or nothing can stand to it, everything/one fades.

The 4-5 mile long bridge that I cross every morning was so hazy, couldn't see beyond 20 feet, the fog and darkness and light rain added to that is the car was swaying ever so slightly, difficult driving conditions...o yes! The drive back would be even worse, by then the winds will pick up, there will be more rain and more water and that means flooding! I hope this time around, the appliances wont blow up at our abode. My plants which I painstakingly planted, will they fight this storm and survive? The worse of it all is yet to come on the 'morrow.

Bottom line -
Stay away Fay!

1 comment:

PoP said...

Hope Fay takes a detour and go and rest.
So prayers for you, your folks and for your plant.