Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Pretty pretty pretty...please!

Quoting Jean-Luc Godard "Beauty is composed of an eternal, invariable element whose quantity is extremely difficult to determine, and a relative element which might be, either by turns or all at once, period, fashion, moral, passion."
I got thinking what really is beauty....is it just the external part that we see or the internal too, which we usually tend to ignore? I had a tête-à-tête with a few individuals and well though most of them might have denied (save a few souls), they do judge a person on how they look and dress.
Let's say you are someplace with just 2 people around apart from yourself, one of them is good-looking and well-dressed and the other is well, differing. So, given a choice would you rather approach the welldressed person or the not-so-well-dressed? Think about it.
What interests me is that, though people might want to opt for the better looking one of the two, they will not say it aloud, even though looks are deceptive. Its just the human outlook.
In conclusion, let me quote the famous saying, "Beauty is only skin deep", so look beyond beauty. A person who is beautiful on the inside, radiates outwardly as well.

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