Monday, December 22, 2008

Finally we got.....

......our car back from the repair center and boy was it jannat! I think we get used to our stuff after a while, that's why we find it hard to adapt to something new and unknown! We set our comfort level and we get uncomfortable when we step out of it.
Well, we had a pretty good weekend, caught up on Rab Ne... and Yuvvraaj! phew! We visited Chuck E Cheese's with our master and he had a gala good time there....but alas, he was down with fever Sunday. I am hoping he is better now, although I am a bit worried as to why is he going down with fever so oft!  Makes me wonder, if I should go back to being a fulltime mom, I mean it's hard with just the 2 of us taking care of him and working full time and thanks to this crazy weather, kids get sick every so often! I wish it stayed warm all through or cold....but this inconsistency in the weather has us rearranging our schedule most of the times and honestly, it does get a bit embarassing! No wonder, we go through more bouts of stress than our parents did and no wonder our tolerance levels are so low!

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