Thursday, July 31, 2008

And I'm back!!

So, after a day's break from blogging......I missed writing! Much ado about nothing I think, but its something for me! Y'day was a really busy day, usually thoughts flow freely in the a.m., but when I am held up, then p.m. isn't so good for reflections. So I rely on morning freshness for inspiration! What's ironical though is that, I can't think of anything to write about yet, maybe for the lack of concentration.....what with so many voices in the brain might just be short-circuited! I hope not though, well thatz why I plug in my headphones and get transported to the realm of music....where its more peaceful than listening to everyone's problems. No, I'm not being a self-serving individual, but I need to work too....moreover the problems are not even remotely understandable to me, I think Greek and Spanish are easier to comprehend!!
So, that's my ado for now, I'll get back if I come up with some thought provoking ideas! Adios.

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