Monday, September 15, 2008

Let's change....

I'm sorry to hear about what happened in Delhi. I wish all of this would end. I wish people would realise there are more important things in life than to just kill innocent fellow humans who go about their daily routine just to lead a happy life and provide to their families. It's just brutal. I wish they would realise the importance and value of life, not just others but even theirs. If they are so smart to invent dustbin bombs, I wish they would put their brains to something useful. Even the thought of killing so many with dustbin bombs is so low. The stench is so strong, the deeds are so wicked. This leads me to the topic "Mind Games". What goes around, comes around.
I think there is enough damage already with the natural calamities, we don't need human interference anymore. We are fulfilling our share to destroy indirectly - Global Warming!
The pen is mightier than the sword or even bombs. Mother Nature is mightier than anything else.

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