Friday, September 12, 2008

One wish, too big too small

I was reading the news this afternoon and one headline caught my attention, along with the picture next to it.

This article had me spellbound. I have to admit, I din't know there were people out there plunging into the center of a storm/hurricane, Hurricane Hunters. I always wondered if that was do-able, but now my thoughts are cleared. Some courage those people might  have, to risk their lives and imagine the roller coaster ride they would go through. 
Even the smallest roller coaster ride intimidates me. But it really would be electrifying if once maybe..... If not a ride to the moon or to outer space, atleast inside the eye of a hurricane!!(my Mr. would freak out when he reads this! GEE babes, smile! I'm still sane, not yet retarded!)

1 comment:

Yamini said...

I would luv to do tht...Imagine the thrill...